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Hey~U~ I'm Jewana White
Over a decade ago I was living the "American Dream"
Married at 22, a mother of 2 boys, a six figure job and a house
I was doing everything I was told to do to bring me Love, Abundance and Success.
This was NO FUN and was not successful. I was filing bankruptcy, my house was in foreclosure. and my marriage was on the rocks.
It wasn't until I was asked "What do you do for fun, what makes you happy?
This hit me like a ton of bricks. Because "I didn't know"
Who was I? Besides the ROLES I played, Wife, Mother, Conductor, Daughter, Minister
Who was Jewana?
It took years of therapy , self awareness coaching and education to recover her.
Since then I have AWAKENED to the POWER of Who I AM
My mission is to revolutionize health care by bringing back self care.
I have Transformed my life and others from being a victim to life circumstances, to creating a frequency of happiness and fulfillment that produces health and wealth.
This all began with making a decision to choose me.
I Invite you to CHOOSE~U~ and VIBE UP
And I'll Take You On A Step-by-Step Journey On How To VIBE UP Your SELF CARE!
Not only am I going to teach you the step by step process,
I'm also going to set you up with tools you need to succeed!
Everyday for 21 days, I am going to send you a video and teach you step by step what you need to do each
and every single day in order for you to raise your vibration to feel better at the end of Day 21!
To make it as easy as possible, I have a specific focus for each week
We will walk hand-in hand for 21 days.
We're going to do this together.
You will follow the guidelines I'll send you, and expand all your possibilities.
If You start the Adventure and you do not feel Awake to Who You Are.
You have Participated and Implemented and you don't feel GREAT...
I'm a big believer in over delivering in every interaction we have together...
I want that to start RIGHT NOW for ~U~
If you're not 100% satisfied with the program, strategies or the support after 21 days.
I will offer you a full refund.
... and we will still part as friends. Is that cool?
- Jewana White
For years, I struggled with chronic illness and pain,
I felt like my body was constantly working against me.
I discovered the power of natural medicine and holistic healing practices.
Through a combination of Jewana's recommendations of herbal remedies, acupuncture, and mindfulness practices.
I started to feel more in tune with my body and its needs.
I learned that my body was not my enemy, but a powerful ally in my healing journey.
Now, I am healthier and more vibrant than ever before,
Spent Most Of My Life Feeling Lost And Disconnected, But Working With Jewana
I Discovered The Power Of Meditation And Mindfulness.
Through Daily Practice, I Started To Tap Into A Sense Of Awareness And Connection.
I Began To See My Own Unique Gifts And Began Using Them.
Now, I feel More Centered And Grounded, with a
Clear Sense Of Direction.
I Am Grateful For The Power Of Mindfulness And Helping Me Awakening To It
I used to feel disconnected from my body and my own personal power.
But through practicing running my own energy and paying attention to my thoughts and words.
I was able to awaken to the power I have within.
I learned to listen to my body's needs and desires, and I started to trust my intuition more.
I was able to lower my blood pressure by practicing my treatment plan.
Jewana Has guided me to trust myself and live an authentic life.
L. Joseph
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